Bacapa No. 2016/06/006

Closing hosting and some other topics. Total 26 posts.


  • My Plans For 2016 (What Are Yours?) | Tom McFarlin – Already made one. But not ready to publish it 😀
  • Learn a New Programming Language? | Tom McFarlin – The conclusion is explaining enough:

    That is, I try to following along with blogs and people on Twitter who are talking about emerging technologies, read articles on it, bookmark things that may seem useful in the future, and simply make sure that I’m aware of what can be done and what is available should I ever need to use them.

    But at the end of the day, I continue to stay focused on a core set of technologies in order to help continue maturing my existing skill set,…

Front End





Not a bad week. Especially when able to finish four tags including hosting, 2015, 2016 and grunt.

Published by Eric Gunawan

Happiness Engineer. WordPress Ambassador. Remote Worker. Soccer News Follower. Movie Lover. Proud Father. Lucky Husband.

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